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I bruise easily

my bruises get dark quickly

go deep and wide fast

and remain painful for a while

I’m lucky that my bruises are visible

it forces me to take care of them

to be kind to myself and avoid further contact in that area

a reminder of how fragile my body is

a constant invitation to be present and aware.

I’m grateful that my bruises take a really long time to heal.

I bruise easily

outside as inside

unfortunately my inside bruises are not visible

I learned to ignore them

to pretend they are gone with the pain of the impact

to never tender to them in any effective way

and I use them as an excuse to put on the mask

that I am strong, untouchable

and I reinforce the false wall of protection

the greatest illusion of all.

I’m lucky that I bruise easily

I’m grateful that my bruises take a really long time to heal

the best reminder to accept the invitation of my human fragility.

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